Introduction from Lisa
At 16, I began a mantra-based meditation practice that advocated both personal enlightenment and world peace. I enjoyed meditating, the stories about self-realization, and being part of a friendly, like-minded community. I waited to become enlightened. I considered myself to be a seeker, but continued to struggle, to discover whatever it was, that was still missing: maybe some purpose, something important and unknown.
Then, in my mid-40s, I stopped. Everything stopped. My mind stopped seeking, looking, wishing, and wondering. I particularly remember my last meditation because there was no place "to go," nothing to "transcend" and no call into the vastness; with or without the mantra. It was like a cosmic timer had gone off inside and I was filled and surrounded with a real sense of soft white light. I remember seeing the mantra lift away from me in meditation. I felt lit up and saw above my head, the unwavering sky of mind, like a cloudless blue sky, clear of chattering thoughts. The direction of my life began to change in ways that I hadn't planned.
During this time, my husband gave me a “how to” book on channeling, which, at that time, was a taboo subject with our guru and his teachings, but I trusted my new sense of excitement about what I was meant to do. Willingly, I began to channel. The very first time, I was instantly conscious of the light and opened the space above my head, above the crown chakra area. I easily and effortlessly began receiving messages about my work, not from the mind but as light and energy-filled transmissions from all the Pleiadian energy and sentient Beings across time and space. From that somewhat mystical moment, I began my spiritual work that I came here to do in this lifetime as an awake life channel for Pleiadian Great Light.
Soon after, my husband and I moved from Iowa to the beautiful town of Ashland, Oregon, where I embraced awake conscious channeling. I gave hundreds of lightbody activation sessions with individuals and groups. Since then, many of those recorded channeled workshops have been carefully transcribed and organized into a series of books for everyone to enjoy.
The theme of the fourth book in the Pleiadian Great Light series continues the messages of awake energy and lightwork. It unfolds more exciting opportunities for everyone to appreciate and explore their energy systems, chakras, outer chakras, and connections within their real physical forms, male and female. You'll find these timeless energy systems described from a different perspective from today's culturally-based views of the energy and light available for men and women to connect with. Included are 20 energy-moving exercises and visualizations, some of which have been long-forgotten in their essentiality and may seem unusual.
This book contains messages that are meant just for adults to explore, with great value placed on the root or base chakra system that nourishes all the chakras and builds vitality and wellness. This often, over-looked energy system, stabilizes emotions for women so they can float emotional energy and communicate wisdom. Men's specialty of manifestation of wealth and forms comes from the golden spheres found in this powerful lower chakra system.
Thank you, and much health, wealth, wisdom, and love to all and your unique journey home!