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Pleiadian Great Light

NoticeYour Lightbody

Updated: Dec 2, 2023

Noticing just means that very very sweet and simple gaze that we give our selfless/self without a longing to be anybody or anything and yet able to connect that noticing with some deep aspect of our heart. So this is lightbody movement also. The lightbody is here to notice awake energy folding and unfolding upon itself. Lightbody moves across the soul light and gathers up noticing. Fields of interest may also come along with this so that we feel that we've made a connection point within our self; within our selfless/self. The lightbody moves to actively search out light and the Lightbody is also that union of heart and soul. It's very sweetly given and it's very empty. That's why we call it empty/fullness and heartless/heart and selfless/self so that the perplexing quality of all of life is able to be noticed and expressed as unique to each person. The lightbody is very give-able and it's unique and awake to rekindling the memory of your own lightbody. Your own lightbody is here to stay but the mind likes to think that it's gone somewhere else. You don't have to wait for a better day to notice your light in the body is here. Right now is a good enough place to be.

Wisdom has nothing to do with the lightbody. We're thinking that it must be very wise but it's just doing what it came here to be, which is a gift. So, wise or not, it doesn't matter. However, we could have an insight. Insights are juicy parts of the lightbody that kind of leak into the mental process framework a little bit; just enough to reassure us that we made the right decision that moves our own sense of ourselves deeper within. "I'm sure because I asked my body to give me that language-able feeling that we call an insight so that I feel this." It's a beautiful leaking of the lightbody into the hard physical frame of the body so that we feel some confidence about spreading our light around.

The lightbody is just a vast body of light that's been gathered to mesh with the physiology that you have. Know that you are that light inside and that it has a structure to it that's unique for each sort of Being; unique for each Being meshing with a form that's here. Lightbody awareness does take a little bit of Being-ness to be what it is; meaning that it has a very strong vibratory sense of itself. If you notice what's inside you, you begin to notice that there is more than what's happening in the physical. Even if you might be in physical pain, you might begin to shift into noticing that there is something sublime there also, such as calmness in the body. During tumultuous times and stressful functioning of the physiology, someone may suddenly report a calmness for no apparent reason. That's a little bit of interaction then; meshing the physiology of the Lightbody and triggering a safety mechanism in the physical body so that things can calm down their perspective on what's happening then.

It's a kind of fastidiousness that the lightbody is able to continue as a cleanser; as a full-time, around-the-clock in house cleanser, getting rid of the cobwebs, and the dust balls. All those little qualities that we get tired of that end up swept under something; the lightbody shines that cleanser quality. It's just a quality.

"I wonder what my life would be without noticing the lightbody."

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