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Pleiadian Great Light

Angelics and Light

Updated: Nov 29, 2023

Pleiadian Great Light: So, what was that connection then, that giving-ness that comes out from the heart; we can say heart chakra from This One. That giving-ness multiplies itself and finds a route for itself. So sometimes, beautiful Beings and Angels assist in the multiplication process of that initial giving impulse. We all see that in our lives. It's a bit of a reflex so we may or may not be aware of how deeply rippled this universe is and how one gift multiplies itself out in all directions, changing to fit the appropriateness of the route that's been chosen.

So, whether it's Angelic in nature, those Angel Beings often arise and come along, floating along with that gift that we've given to someone else out of compassion for the suffering of those near and around us. Beautiful Beings are not and Angels, of course, are not flat. They have almost an unlimited ability to move through what seems to be spatial relationships between our forms. Beautiful Angels and Beings. So, what happens is that the original gift is appreciated at that moment of that gift of energy assistance in that unfolding process so that it can go farther than you think. It goes quite far. Those kinds of gifts are simply immeasurable. So, good.

Question: Is the presence of the Angel using that individual to send that gift or is it doing that?

Great Light: So, Angels, using that word just a little bit loosely, to acknowledge those Beings that come forward to place themselves in the path of others' light so that some of it can be almost trapped, in a sense, can be noticed and sent back through colors; through vehicles of perception, whether or not it be to catch the sound of a voice in the wind or the sight of an Angel light or some message that's very uplifting. So these beings actually notice who we are, and they are paying attention. Angels are always paying attention. And because of that reflex that they're carrying along with them, they're able to quickly generate a new point of light that was more than was perhaps intended.

So, they are carriers of a kind of wavelength that's very beautifully uplifting and pointing in the direction upwards, pointing into that more quality of ourselves and that space around ourselves, too. So, whether or not we acknowledge that these Beings are here, we can still appreciate that gifted feeling when it comes our way and we can perhaps allow for something unseen about it and something unknown completely about it. That is unless we're already very good or getting very good at noticing our own light as it gets trapped a little bit, in the sense that it turns back very clearly and sharply to our own sense of vision and comprehension and knowing-ness, as well.

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